Hearts Tuned to His Voice
I think we all get it – why it can be challenging to give heed to prophets..Their message nearly always runs counter to popular culture..They ask us to do things that are difficult – recognize sins, repent, change..They themselves are imperfect people..But the Lord has ALWAYS done it this way … given us His word…
Prophets are Sent to Warn
Noah’s priests made the argument that because things were going well – because the king and people had been prosperous – because there was no evidence of the consequences of sin – that there was no sin and that Abinadi’s warnings were unfounded. . But the consequences of sin are not usually immediate. . This…
Mine Arm of Mercy Is Extended Towards You
“As a young returned missionary, John had become inactive in the Church – partly due to a list of doubts about the Church but largely because temptations had drawn John toward – years of inactivity, immorality, and substance abuse. . Now —after long years of maturing through life, marriage, and having children —John sat before…
And If There Are Faults
Moroni seems to have carried a particular worry..We encounter it in his words to us which he engraved on the title page of the Book of Mormon …“And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat…
He Will Deliver Us
I love “iffy” blessings.Christ wants to save us, “of his own will and pleasure”..He wants to deliver us from bondage..If we will …“Turn to him”“with full purpose of heart”“Put our trust in Him”“Serve Him”“with all diligence of mind”…He will deliver us..These words don’t speak anything about…our capability,our educational background,our career success,our ethnicity,our financial status ….The…