• 25 Names of Christ: Jesus

    Of all of the names of our Savior, perhaps the most familiar is his given name, the name of ‘Jesus’. The Oxford English Dictionary states that the name Jesus came into the English language from Middle English, adapted from the Latin Iesus, which in turn was adapted from the Greek Iesous. This in turn was…

  • 25 Names of Christ: Prince of Peace

    Isaiah prophesied that the coming Messiah would be called “The Prince of Peace”. To attribute the title of ‘Prince’ to Jesus Christ is wholly appropriate, given that he is the Son of the Most High God. Prince of Peace, however, speaks to more than the Savior’s royal standing in the Kingdom of Heaven, and the…

  • 25 Names of Christ: Everlasting Father

    In Isaiah 9:6, speaking of the birth of Christ, the Prophet declares that “his name shall be called … The everlasting Father”. Both anciently and in modern times, a father’s role has been to provide and protect, to teach, to love and to serve. In ‘The Family: A Proclamation to the World’, we read “By…

  • 25 Names of Christ: Mighty God

    The title of ‘Mighty God’ is translated from the Hebrew ’êl Gibbôr, which means ‘Divine Hero’, ‘Hero-God’ or even ‘Warrior God’. These words ascribe to the Messiah wisdom and strength in great measure. When the Assyrian armies, led by Sennacherib invaded Judah, King Hezekiah spoke to his people, reminding them that a ‘Mighty God’ was…

  • 25 Names of Christ: Wonderful Counselor

    President Russel M. Nelson said of the Savior; “He is Jesus the Christ—our Master and more. He has numerous names, titles, and responsibilities, all of eternal significance”. Each day in December, leading up to Christmas Day, we will post a short message exploring a different name or title for Jesus Christ. May we look to…