• Hearts Tuned to His Voice

    I think we all get it – why it can be challenging to give heed to prophets..Their message nearly always runs counter to popular culture..They ask us to do things that are difficult – recognize sins, repent, change..They themselves are imperfect people..But the Lord has ALWAYS done it this way … given us His word…

  • Prophets are Sent to Warn

    Noah’s priests made the argument that because things were going well – because the king and people had been prosperous – because there was no evidence of the consequences of sin – that there was no sin and that Abinadi’s warnings were unfounded. . But the consequences of sin are not usually immediate. . This…

  • “wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will.-

    Have you ever had a moment where you feel like you messed up so badly that there was no hope things would ever get better?.I have – and so did Joseph Smith..I am struck by the strength of character we see in Nephi and Moroni when they wrote these words..Nephi –“Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded…

  • I Was The Young Man Your Worried About

    “I was the young man you’re worried about”.A few weeks ago I sat in a meeting where local church leaders were discussing their concerns over the number of young men in the church not choosing to serve full-time missions..We discussed several factors affecting these young men such as lack of confidence, social anxiety, sin, addiction,…

  • And Your Joy No Man Taketh From You

    “… and your joy no man taketh from you.”.Oh the significance of those words! On that glorious Easter morning – Jesus Christ burst forth in glory from the tomb having forever overcome death and sin and everything else in this world or beyond that threatens to take away our joy! During the final hours with…

  • 3 Lessons from Jesus Cleansing the Temple

    3 Lessons from Jesus Cleansing the Temple 1) What do we need to cleanse or remove from our lives so that we can be ready to heal and help others? I had never noticed that the first thing Jesus did after cleansing the temple was to welcome the afflicted there so He could heal them.…

  • The Savior of My Soul

    A few weeks ago, I created a video for a youth conference that included a compilation of video clips from actively serving missionaries responding to the question, “What does it mean to you to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?” . Tears came when one young elder stated, “On my mission, I’ve really grown to…

  • Mine Arm of Mercy Is Extended Towards You

    “As a young returned missionary, John had become inactive in the Church – partly due to a list of doubts about the Church but largely because temptations had drawn John toward – years of inactivity, immorality, and substance abuse. . Now —after long years of maturing through life, marriage, and having children —John sat before…

  • A Marvelous Work and A Wonder

    Because of the Book of Mormon, I know my Savior and His restored gospel. I know my worth and purpose as a child of Heavenly Parents. I know how to live such that I might have joy in this life and eternal life hereafter. . Nephi wrote, “Wherefore, he will proceed to do a marvelous…

  • Come as You Are

    “Come as you are,” a loving Father says to each of us, but He adds, “Don’t plan to stay as you are.” – Jeffrey R. Holland – “Songs Sung and Unsung” – May 2017 General Conference.Christ’s love is a love that invites us to change our behavior, to gradually eliminate those parts of ourselves that…