And Your Joy No Man Taketh From You

“… and your joy no man taketh from you.”
Oh the significance of those words!

On that glorious Easter morning – Jesus Christ burst forth in glory from the tomb having forever overcome death and sin and everything else in this world or beyond that threatens to take away our joy!

During the final hours with His disciples, Jesus had foreshadowed His impending death and resurrection.
He recognized the great sorrow His friends would experience but assured them

“… ye now therefore have sorrow:
but I will see you again,
and your heart shall rejoice,
and your joy no man taketh from you.”

  • John 16:22

BecauseOfHim we have the opportunity to choose an eternal life of joy and righteousness – eternally tied to our loved ones.

BecauseOfHim we can make covenants that will prepare us for eternal life in His presence and with our Eternal Father.

BecauseOfHim the trials and challenges and heartaches of this life will turn to our joy.

BecauseOfHim we will see Him again! And our hearts will rejoice! And no one can take that joy from us!

President Russell M. Nelson taught,
“My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” – “Joy and Spiritual Survival – October 2016 General Conference

May we all find that forever joy that no man can take from us as we keep our focus on Him!

#HeLives!!! #HearHim

Image credit – “Dawn’s Gentle Embrace” – Ivan Guaderrama

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