The Savior of My Soul

A few weeks ago, I created a video for a youth conference that included a compilation of video clips from actively serving missionaries responding to the question, “What does it mean to you to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?”


Tears came when one young elder stated,

“On my mission, I’ve really grown to love the Savior. I’ve seen how He can transform the lives of the people that I have known and I have taught.

“And because of that love that I have for Him. A love that I’ve also obtained through reading the scriptures. I’m ready, I’m willing to follow Him wherever I need to go … even if it’s hard.”


Elder Jeffrey R. Holland was once asked by a missionary,

“Elder Holland, would you give your life for the Church?”

Elder Holland responded,

“Elder, I am giving my life for the Church. Every day I’m giving my life for the Church because I know it’s true.”


I love this verse from the beautiful new youth song “Savior of My Soul” written by Connor Austin, Luz Ysabelle Cuevas, and Nik Day

“I will spend this life

Giving all my time,

Living line by line till I see

How He’d trade His throne for a crown of thorns,

And He did it all for me.”


May we all follow the example of this young Elder missionary, and the wise Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, and the example shown forth in this song.

And find our lives in the giving of them to Him … the Savior of our Souls.

– Jakob R. Jones


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