I Was The Young Man Your Worried About

“I was the young man you’re worried about”
A few weeks ago I sat in a meeting where local church leaders were discussing their concerns over the number of young men in the church not choosing to serve full-time missions.
We discussed several factors affecting these young men such as lack of confidence, social anxiety, sin, addiction, distractions, and perhaps most common – homes where the gospel isn’t joyfully lived or where a mission isn’t taught as a valuable priesthood responsibility.
“All of these could have been applied to me,” I thought to myself.
At one point in the conversation I noted

– “I was the young man you’re worried about.”
“My family was not active in the church – we weren’t living the gospel in my home – a mission was not an expectation for me.”
I was asked the question I’ve been asked many times …
“What made you become active in the church and choose to serve a mission?”
And I gave the same response I usually give …
“Well … I was fortunate enough to attend seminary
“… and because I attended seminary – I read the Book of Mormon.
“… and as I read about men like Lehi, Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Benjamin, Mosiah, Alma, Mormon, Teancum, Moroni, etc. – I wanted what I saw in them.
“- I longed for the strength of character, a dedication to righteousness, and a relationship with Christ that I felt in these men.”
“… And I gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon.
“… And because I had a testimony of the Book of Mormon – I had a testimony of Joseph Smith and living prophets.
“… And so I knew the prophet’s invitation for young men to serve a mission came from the Lord.
“… And so, even though I had to work to prepare – I knew I needed to serve.”
“The challenges our youth face are multi-faceted.”
“But I think if you want youth to make and keep covenants, serve missions, and develop a relationship with Christ – getting them to read the Book of Mormon is an essential element.”
I’m so grateful for the power the Book of Mormon can have in our lives.
May the Lord bless us as we all strive to do all in our power to help our youth develop a personal connection to our Savior, Jesus Christ – to feel His love – and to feel confident and empowered to share His word.
“17 For behold, king Benjamin was a holy man, and he did reign over his people in righteousness; … —
“18 Wherefore, … king Benjamin, by laboring with all the might of his body and the faculty of his whole soul, and also the prophets, did once more establish peace in the land.”

– Words of Mormon 1:17-18


Image credits – churchofjesuschrist.org

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