• Wandering in Darkness

    Am I still on the right path? Did I miss a turn somewhere? Did I make a wrong decision? Am a I still heading in the direction you want me to be going? . I have found myself asking the Lord those questions many times throughout my life. . There are moments in life when…

  • And it came to pass that he was obedient

    There it is … nestled between two dramatic life events … a short verse of scripture that encapsulates so much and sets a standard for all of us. . “And it came to pass that he [Lehi] was obedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him.” – 1…

  • Martin Harris’s Final Witness of The Book of Mormon

    During the final five years of his life, Martin had ample opportunities to share his witness with the Saints. During the last year of his life, he testified: “I tell you of these things that you may tell others that what I have said is true, and I dare not deny it; I heard the…

  • David Whitmer’s Final Witness of The Book of Mormon

    “A year before his death in Richmond, Missouri, David responded to two encyclopedias that claimed he and the other Witnesses had denied their testimonies of the Book of Mormon. “He declared: “I will say once more to all mankind, that I have never at any time denied that testimony or any part thereof. I also…

  • The Final Testimony of Oliver Cowdery

    One of the strongest witnesses of the divine authenticity of The Book of Mormon is the Testimony of the Three Witnesses. . All three men left the church either for a time or indefinitely yet never throughout their entire lives would they deny the divine witness they received. Each of them reaffirmed their witness of…

  • The Book of Mormon Witnesses that Jesus is the Christ

    The apostle Paul wrote, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” – 2 Cor. 13:1 . I sat in a world history class in college when the professor, upon coming to that point in world history touching on Jesus Christ, said something to the effect of … “It’s just…

  • And If There Are Faults

    Moroni seems to have carried a particular worry..We encounter it in his words to us which he engraved on the title page of the Book of Mormon …“And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat…

  • One in Christ

    Paul taught that in the last days, God would “gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him” – Ephesians 1:10.What is it the God’s is gathering? It’s the only thing that matters to Him, and that is Us, His children, His family..He…

  • The Bond of Perfectness

    The “bond of perfectness”. The “pure love of Christ”. You have known people who possess this love. . Love the elevates, Love that endures, Love that is patient, Love that transforms, Love that forgives, Love that is selfless, Love that rejoices in truth, Love that redeems, Love that saves. … That is the pure love…

  • Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?

    “One of my favorite accounts of the Savior teaching by the Spirit occurred on the glorious day of His resurrection in the Holy Land. . “Two of His disciples were on the road from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus when the resurrected Savior joined them on their journey. . “The scriptures tell us His…