• Artwork: Unction of Christ by Julia Stankova

    She Hath Wrought a Good Work

    What could she possibly do to serve Him? . Jesus had raised her brother from the dead. She had sat at his feet receiving the gospel. Jesus loved Mary and her family . What meaningful gift could she possibly offer the Savior? . Perhaps Mary, as many women, was more attuned the Savior’s feelings. ……

  • Meme'd image - "Widow's Mite" by Sandra Rast

    He Sees

    She had probably passed by the treasury hundreds of times. Quietly giving … never drawing attention to herself. Likely invisible to those around her. But she was not invisible to Him! . Why was Jesus there at that exact moment? How did He know that she had given everything she had? . In my church…

  • Save Me from This Hour

    He knows what it means to be afraid … . To desire not to have to pass through something, . To wish for a trial to be removed. . He suffered His own fears … and then all of ours. . And in those moments … . He taught us … . To look to…

  • Behold Thy Mother

    Some things are too sacred to write about … because there isn’t adequate expression for them. . Womanhood … and Motherhood, may be one of those. . The flowers, the chocolates, the handmade cards, the various pieces of handmade pottery (oh bless those elementary school teachers), the well-meant sermons in church … They really don’t…

  • Image of Matthew 20:16 and other scriptures.

    Few are Chosen

    “few are chosen???” – Matthew 20:16 . Am I going to make it in? Am I good enough for God’s kingdom? . We’re so hard on ourselves aren’t we? It’s so easy to wonder if we’re doing enough? . At first glance, that verse would suggest that our Heavenly Father’s kingdom is exclusive … that…

  • Image of Matthew 20:27 with highlighting of the words "chief" and "servant"

    Let Him be Your Servant

    Do you ever come across a verse of scripture that simultaneously uplifts you while perhaps also causing just a little tinge of pain? . When some of Jesus’ disciples sought to receive a promise of elevated status in the kingdom of heaven, The Savior paused to teach a powerful lesson about leadership, recognition, status, and…

  • In His Arms

    Our weekday morning school dropoff routine is almost always the same ….Sometimes we’re early, sometimes we’re late ….But relaxed or in haste, these are precious daily moments alone with my 5-year old..Serious or Silly talk in the car … Maybe a Parry Grip song or two ….Excitement as he sees his friends walking ….We roll…

  • Picture of “Jesus Wept” by Haley Miller

    Jesus Wept

    “Jesus wept” – John 11:35 . He already knew He would bring Lazarus back from the dead. . He already knew He would make everything right. . He was going to fix the problem. . But He still wept. . John tells us, “… Jesus loved Martha, and her sister (Mary), and Lazarus.” – John…

  • A father embracing his son from "The Prodigal Son" by Liz Lemon Swindle

    He Never Gives Up On Us

    “And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.” – Luke 15:20 . “Bring the best robe …” (wrapped in the love of God) “Put a ring on him …”…

  • Image of a father running from "The Sepulcher" by artist Dan Burr

    The Prodigal’s Father

    “Is there anything you’d like me to include in that prayer?” . When I meet individually with members of our church we usually open and close with a prayer. And I always ask that question before I give the closing prayer. “Is there anything you’d like me to include in that prayer?” . And although…