Picture of “Jesus Wept” by Haley Miller

Jesus Wept

“Jesus wept” – John 11:35


He already knew He would bring Lazarus back from the dead.


He already knew He would make everything right.


He was going to fix the problem.


But He still wept.


John tells us, “… Jesus loved Martha, and her sister (Mary), and Lazarus.” – John 11:5


Did He weep only for Mary’s and Martha’s loss?


Or did He weep for His own loss also?


Were His tears for the collective loss and fear we all experience when we believe we’ve lost someone we love?



Of Christ’s mortal experience, Isaiah wrote,

“Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows” – Isaiah 53:4


and Alma preached,

“And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind;

… that his bowels may be filled with mercy,

… that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.”


Perhaps an infinite atonement can only be performed by a being of infinite capacity for love and infinite depth of feeling.


When we talk about Christ’s selection to be our Savior, we often speak of credentials and capabilities … the firstborn Son of God, the Creator, the Word of God, the only one capable.


But I feel at least part of the reason God chose Jesus to save us … and part of the reason we supported that decision … was because we already knew Him.


We’d already experienced His love for us.


We’d already witnessed His love for the Father.


We trusted Him to rescue us because we knew His love for us would not let Him fail.



Even though Christ knows the end from the beginning …

Even though He knows He’s going to make it all right in the end …

Even though He knows He can and will heal our wounds and broken hearts eventually …


He still weeps …


He weeps with us, and for us, in our moments of loss, grief, fear, and pain.


Because He can’t help it …

Because of His mercy and compassion …


Because of His infinite love.


Image Credit – “Jesus Wept” by Haley Miller


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