In His Arms

Our weekday morning school dropoff routine is almost always the same …
Sometimes we’re early, sometimes we’re late …
But relaxed or in haste, these are precious daily moments alone with my 5-year old.
Serious or Silly talk in the car … Maybe a Parry Grip song or two …
Excitement as he sees his friends walking …
We roll up to the curb …
I do my routine.
“Step 1 – Unbuckle”
“Step 2 – Hug your Dad” (I always sneak in a kiss)
“Step 3 – Grab your bag”
“Step 4 – Open the door”
“Step 5 – Watch your step”
“Step 6 – Hey you! … I love you … Have an awesome day!”
You would think that after 18+ years of raising children, this wouldn’t affect me so.
But every day I linger as he enters the play yard.
Every day I listen to see if the amazing teacher’s aide calls him by name with her usual excited welcome.
Every day I slowly pull away as he engages with his friends.
Every day I utter a prayer … “Oh please keep Him safe … please bless him to have a good day.”
He blesses me every time I take him up in my arms.
They are so precious
Is the kingdom of God filled with moments such as these?
“…and [Jesus] said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God…
“And he took them up in his arms … and blessed them” – Mark 10:14,16
Image credit – “Let the Children Come” by Liz Lemon Swindle

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