Behold Thy Mother

Some things are too sacred to write about … because there isn’t adequate expression for them.


Womanhood … and Motherhood, may be one of those.


The flowers,

the chocolates,

the handmade cards,

the various pieces of handmade pottery (oh bless those elementary school teachers),

the well-meant sermons in church

They really don’t even come close at all do they?



Because being understood

… really understood,

… to know that someone else fully sees you,

… what you’re experiencing,

… the sacrifices you’re making,

as a woman, as a mother, as a daughter of God,

… to know that you’re not alone,

… that you have Heavenly assistance in this divine role


That understanding isn’t something any earthly gesture can provide.


Perhaps the only approximation is to be in the presence of other women … who know … and see.


No, that level of being understood … recognized … acknowledged … known … loved … appreciated … supported …


Can really only come from one source.


And so … you all keep all these things in your hearts.


We’ll never be able to express it with our words or actions

… but we’ll keep trying … because we love you.


And maybe someday … we’ll truly see.



“Motherhood is more than bearing children, … It is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us.” – “Are We Not All Mothers” – Sheri Dew



Image credit – “Mary Kept All These Things” by Howard Lyon

#MothersDay #ComeFollowMe

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