Artwork: Unction of Christ by Julia Stankova

She Hath Wrought a Good Work

What could she possibly do to serve Him?


Jesus had raised her brother from the dead.

She had sat at his feet receiving the gospel.

Jesus loved Mary and her family


What meaningful gift could she possibly offer the Savior?


Perhaps Mary, as many women, was more attuned the Savior’s feelings.

… His impending suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane.

… His death on the cross.

… His burial in the garden tomb.

… Perhaps she knew … perhaps she understood.


What meaningful gift could she possibly offer the Savior?

… Anointing His head with oil.

… Washing His feet with her tears.

… Mourning with Him.

… An expression of heartfelt gratitude for all He had done and would do for her.


And he gratefully accepted it.



Christ has done so much for us


What meaningful gift can we possibly offer Him?


We can’t anoint His head with oil

… or bathe his feet with our tears of gratitude.


But we can remember Him – Luke 22:19

… we can keep His commandments – John 14:15

… we can love and serve each other – John 13:34-35

… we can make covenants – Mosiah 18:10

… we can repent of our sins. 3 Nephi 9:22


Our gifts may not seem like much …

… but like Mary’s humble offering

… the Savior loves … and accepts … and is grateful for whatever we can offer.


What gift will can you offer to the Savior today?


Image credit: “Unction of Christ” by Julia Stankova

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