25 Names of Christ: Redeemer

The English word ‘redeem’ comes from the Hebrew verb ‘gā’al, which “has a central meaning in “to regain possession of by payment” or “buy back something that was lost.” In the Old Testament, the verb “gā’al” has been translated as “to redeem”, “ransom”. (Webster’s Dictionary)

The language here is instructive; Christ ‘buys us back’ from the ‘lost and fallen state’ (Mosiah 16:4) that we find ourselves in because of our sin and woundedness.

The idea of a ransom can also help our understanding of His role as Redeemer, indeed, Christ used this terminology himself in describing His mission:

“Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon explains that the word ‘ransom’ here comes from the Greek ‘lytron’, which is used elsewhere in the Bible to describe a ransom paid to secure the freedom of a slave or captive.

In Charles H. Gabriel’s hymn ‘I Stand All Amazed’, we sing: “I marvel that He would descend from His throne divine. To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine. That He should extend His great love unto such as I. Sufficient to own, to redeem and to justify”



Thayer’s Greek Lexicon

Leviticus 19:20, Exodus 21:30, Numbers 35:31

Related Links:

I Stand All Amazed: Video


I Know that my Redeemer Lives: Tabernacle Choir


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