Come Follow Me

Latest inspirational posts from the “Come Follow Me” curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • The Prodigal’s Father

    The Prodigal’s Father

    “Is there anything you’d like me to include in that prayer?” . When I meet individually with members of our church we usually open and close with a prayer. And I always ask that question before I give the closing prayer. “Is there anything you’d like me to include in that prayer?” . And although…

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  • The Prodigal Son

    The Prodigal Son

    Luke 15:11-18 (With much creative license) . “Can I even go back home?”, he thought. . He remembered why he left in the first place. . So many rules. So much work. No time for play. His father’s incessant teachings. . “I don’t want to be here anymore!” he’d said to father. “I’m tired of…

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  • Consider the Lilies

    Consider the Lilies

    The man’s request was simple enough … “Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me.” – Luke 12:13 . A perceived unfairness, an injustice inflicted by another … “Lord can you make it right?” . But the Savior’s response was unexpected … . A parable of a man who could not…

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