Picture of Christ teaching parables and holding a lily.

Consider the Lilies

The man’s request was simple enough … “Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me.” – Luke 12:13


A perceived unfairness, an injustice inflicted by another … “Lord can you make it right?”


But the Savior’s response was unexpected …


A parable of a man who could not take His great wealth with him to Heaven


A teaching that our Heavenly Father feeds the ravens, helps the flowers to grow, clothes the grass … and that we’re more precious to Him than all of these.


An invitation to trust in God to provide what we need.


An injunction not to be “of doubtful mind.”


An invitation to change our priorities, “… seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Luke 12:31


A shift in focus from self to others, “Sell what you have, give to the poor.”


A change in vision, “provide yourselves … a treasure in the heavens that faileth not …” Luke 12:33


“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” – Luke 12:34



I’ve been in this man’s shoes before … “Lord, I’ve been wronged. Lord, this is what I need. Can you fix this for me?”


And instead of dealing justice, or solving my problem, the Lord teaches me, changes me, elevates my thinking, invites me to trust In God instead of fearing men, points me to Heaven, and prompts me to introspectively ask…


“Jake, do you trust your Heavenly Father to take care of you?”

“Jake, where is your heart? Where are you storing up your treasure?”


Christ’s words have the power to heal us, to heal our relationships, to shift our focus from the things of this world, and point our hearts to Heaven.


image credit … “Consider the Lillies” – churchofjesuschrist.org

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