Come Follow Me

Latest inspirational posts from the “Come Follow Me” curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • The Bond of Perfectness

    The Bond of Perfectness

    The “bond of perfectness”. The “pure love of Christ”. You have known people who possess this love. . Love the elevates, Love that endures, Love that is patient, Love that transforms, Love that forgives, Love that is selfless, Love that rejoices in truth, Love that redeems, Love that saves. … That is the pure love…

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  • Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?

    Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?

    “One of my favorite accounts of the Savior teaching by the Spirit occurred on the glorious day of His resurrection in the Holy Land. . “Two of His disciples were on the road from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus when the resurrected Savior joined them on their journey. . “The scriptures tell us His…

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  • If We Seek Him

    If We Seek Him

    What compels a group of women to rise up “very early in the morning” after the Sabbath … … to go to the tomb, … to anoint the body of an already buried Christ … … not even knowing how they would move the stone at the entrance? – Mark 16:1-3 . Their anguish at…

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