Come Follow Me

Latest inspirational posts from the “Come Follow Me” curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • None Were With Him

    None Were With Him

    It is one thing to pass through trials, temptations, physical pain, and suffering. . It is quite another thing, to feel completely abandoned, alone … forsaken! . We’ve all experienced it. “What have I done wrong?” “Can you hear my prayers?” “Oh God … where art thou?” . And so did Jesus . Both Matthew…

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  • He Needed Help Also

    He Needed Help Also

    He needed help too . So often we try to bear our burdens alone. . Perhaps believing the only true sign of growth and independence is the ability to shoulder all the cares of this world without any assistance. . But Christ showed a different example. . In His darkest hour … . He asked…

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  • If WE love HIM

    If WE love HIM

    How can we have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, of Christ, and of the Father? How can we demonstrate our love for Christ? . In John 14:15-23, Christ invited us, using three different wordings, to demonstrate our love for Him by keeping keeping His commandments and living His word. With each of the three…

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