He Needed Help Also

He needed help too


So often we try to bear our burdens alone.


Perhaps believing the only true sign of growth and independence is the ability to shoulder all the cares of this world without any assistance.


But Christ showed a different example.


In His darkest hour …


He asked his friends to “watch with Him” – Matthew 26:38,40


He prayed to the Father.


He pleaded for help.


And he gratefully accepted that help when it arrived.



The angel sent from heaven could not bear Christ’s burden for Him.


He (or she) could not carry out the atonement on Christ’s behalf.


The angel could not “remove the cup” from Him … as he had plead.



But he could strengthen Him.

…reassure Him.

… comfort Him.

… love Him.

… hold Him.


We cannot and should not bear our burdens alone.


Our Heavenly Father has created this earth life such that we must depend on each other and on Him.


Giving to and asking for help from each other binds our hearts together as God’s children.


We may not be able to remove each other’s burdens.


But we can pray for each other.

… love each other

… reassure each other

… comfort each other

… pray for each other

… strengthen each other.



What burden do you need help carrying today?

Comment with a request for prayer or simply an emoji if you’d like someone to pray for you today.


We can’t do this mortal experience alone …

But we can do it together! …

and we can do it with HIM and #BecauseofHim!

“And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed,

“Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

“And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.

“And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly:”

– Luke 22:41-44



Image credit – “An Angel Strengthened Him” by Del Parson

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