Come Follow Me

Latest inspirational posts from the “Come Follow Me” curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • She Hath Wrought a Good Work

    She Hath Wrought a Good Work

    What could she possibly do to serve Him? . Jesus had raised her brother from the dead. She had sat at his feet receiving the gospel. Jesus loved Mary and her family . What meaningful gift could she possibly offer the Savior? . Perhaps Mary, as many women, was more attuned the Savior’s feelings. ……

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  • He Sees

    He Sees

    She had probably passed by the treasury hundreds of times. Quietly giving … never drawing attention to herself. Likely invisible to those around her. But she was not invisible to Him! . Why was Jesus there at that exact moment? How did He know that she had given everything she had? . In my church…

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  • Save Me from This Hour

    Save Me from This Hour

    He knows what it means to be afraid … . To desire not to have to pass through something, . To wish for a trial to be removed. . He suffered His own fears … and then all of ours. . And in those moments … . He taught us … . To look to…

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