Come Follow Me

Latest inspirational posts from the “Come Follow Me” curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • Behold Thy Mother

    Behold Thy Mother

    Some things are too sacred to write about … because there isn’t adequate expression for them. . Womanhood … and Motherhood, may be one of those. . The flowers, the chocolates, the handmade cards, the various pieces of handmade pottery (oh bless those elementary school teachers), the well-meant sermons in church … They really don’t…

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  • Few are Chosen

    Few are Chosen

    “few are chosen???” – Matthew 20:16 . Am I going to make it in? Am I good enough for God’s kingdom? . We’re so hard on ourselves aren’t we? It’s so easy to wonder if we’re doing enough? . At first glance, that verse would suggest that our Heavenly Father’s kingdom is exclusive … that…

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  • Let Him be Your Servant

    Let Him be Your Servant

    Do you ever come across a verse of scripture that simultaneously uplifts you while perhaps also causing just a little tinge of pain? . When some of Jesus’ disciples sought to receive a promise of elevated status in the kingdom of heaven, The Savior paused to teach a powerful lesson about leadership, recognition, status, and…

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